Daily Archives: January 4, 2010

Day 1 – Show me the “whey” to better health

Whey Protein ShakeWhen I read about all of the benefits of whey protein powder I was pleasantly surprised. I have been drinking whey protein shakes for about two years, but I thought the only benefit was to refuel after a workout and help build muscle. I had no idea that whey protein also stimulates the immune system, reduces blood pressure and protects against certain kinds of tumors. One of the benefits of whey protein powder that I’ve been taking advantage of over the last two years is that it helps promote fullness. If I know that I’m going to be out shopping for a few hours without access to healthy food options, I’ll just take a long a scoop of whey protein powder and a bottle of water, just in case I get hungry.

Today I made a quick protein shake, mixing one scoop of whey protein powder with 12 ounces of water and shaking in a blender ball cup. I took the shake with me to the gym (at 5:30am….yes, I’m already tired) and downed the shake in the car after my workout. Hopefully it will keep my hunger in check until my mid-morning snack.

There are other great ways to sneak the whey protein powder into your diet. One of the yummiest treats I made last week was so simple, but delicious! I combined peanut butter, whey protein powder, oats, flaxseeds and water. Delicious!

I also learned that there is a difference in the type of whey protein powders that are available. I bought my protein powder at GNC and the salesperson convinced me to buy the GNC brand “Whey Isolate 28” because he said it was “the best”. I thought maybe he was trying to up sell me, but according to research whey protein isolate is much better than whey protein concentrate. Whey protein isolate is the most pure and concentrated form of protein available and contains 90% protein and very little fat. Thanks GNC guy!

Welcome to the 150 Healthiest Foods in 150 Days Challenge!

Over the past couple of years I’ve lost over 80 pounds the old-fashioned way, through diet and exercise, and along the way I discovered that I love the feeling that eating healthy and exercising provides. Now that I’m in maintenance mode, I think that the challenge is even greater. This is now a lifestyle change and I commit to eating healthy and exercising every day to maintain my weight loss, increase my fitness level and improve my health.

It’s a new year and like most people I created a New Year’s Resolution list that included “eating healthier”. But, as I thought about “eating healthier” what does that really mean? I already eat pretty healthy, I exercise six times a week and try to stay away from processed foods and typical junk food, but am I really eating the best foods for my body?

I discovered Jonny Bowden’s The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth and I was fascinated by the foods that made the list and even more surprised by the ones that didn’t. As I was reading I thought that this book is genius because it focuses on what you should be eating and not what you shouldn’t. So many diets are focused on cutting out a food group and labeling “bad foods”. I’ve been on every diet from cutting out carbs to cutting out fat to even cutting out everything except for cabbage soup. I’m trying something new this year….instead of focusing on what I can’t eat, I’m going to focus on what I can and should be eating.  In fact, I’m challenging myself to eat all 150 of the healthiest foods on earth (according to this book) in 150 days.

Some days will be easy, in fact just today, without even trying, I ate four of the healthiest foods at dinner: broccoli, spinach, goat cheese and raspberries. But some days are going to be quite challenging. I dread the “raw milk” day and I don’t even know how to cook swiss chard! But, come rain, sleet, snow or shine I’m going to commit to eating at least one of the 150 healthiest foods a day and blogging about it here so you guys can join me on my journey to eating healthier in 2010. Will you join me?